Thursday, April 19, 2007

I got my ass kicked.

Sometimes I forget how good it feels to work out really hard... And that forgetfulness is partially why I've become such a friggin fatty. Ugh.

I worked out with a personal trainer for the first time EVER today. She's amazing. Total sweetheart, total motivator, and totally has the same name as I do. (No big deal.) She's helped me with nutrition, what I should be eating. "Everything in moderation." I like that motto... No more deprivation. If I want the cookie, I eat the cookie. But just that ONE cookie... Let's see how that plays into the whole binge eating disorder thing I have goin' on.

I feel really good about this though.

She also said that I need to start getting a solid 8 hours of sleep everynight. She told me this on Tuesday, and after following that simple instruction I already feel a lot better. I'm not tired and sluggish. More energy. Isn't it crazy how one simple lifestyle change can make you so much better?

She has me keeping a food journal. It's pretty cool actually. I don't feel like a nerd writing down everything that I eat because I'm actually showing it to someone. Someone is going to see it and give me praise for being a good girl. That's motivation to eat right for me.

Still pretty upset about the Virginia Tech massacre. I watch these interviews and just cry. I watch the videos of the killer and I am so scared of what he was like, because according to everyone he knew, "he was just shy." How many "shy" people do I know? How many of them have the ability to snap like he did?

I'm going to be nice to EVERY SINGLE PERSON I encounter from now on. It's just too scary.. The world we live in.

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